The growth in population also increases the energy demands, yet there is increasingly difficult access for these Limited deposits of oil and gas. Furthermore, it is a common question of what procedure should be followed to exploit gas and oil.

Oil exploitation

Oil exploration aims at the local deposits, whereas oil development includes oil production and Exploration, defining and distributing oil. There should be a collaboration between geophysicists and geologists. Then they can be the product that consists of extracting the escaped oil through many techniques. Generally, only 35% of the total reserve is being extracted. The process of turning crude oil into a profitable and marketable finished product is known as oil refining. Energy products and non-energy products are the two types of finished products. The operation ends when there is the distribution of finished products into the consumption areas; several Oil Companies are scattered across the globe to exploit oil. HBS International, headed by Tarek Bouchamaoui, has the same case. Oil is a non-renewable resource that gets exhausted after its use, so the exploitation might be brutal in the upcoming years as there might be a deficiency in finding where the oil can be extracted.

Oil exploitation

Gas exploitation

Two stages are categorised in gas exploitation. Exploring, extracting, and purifying gas is the first step. Gas exploration is also about identifying the deposits, just like oil. The location of extraction is based on seismography techniques and mapping. Drilling confirms the presence of deposits. Gas is purified at the surface to be exploited. The gas products are also exhaustible after use, so the production and exploitation of gas could be a significant issue if the resources are not used efficiently and go on using these exploitation methods with can also the nature and the environment.

Gas exploitation

The environmental impact of gas and oil exploitations

The exploitation of oil and gas has become a confidential topic because of the effects these exploitations create in society and the ecosystem. The fauna and flora are being degraded, and oil is indeed a source of pollution that creates hazardous effects on human’s health and the surroundings of the land being exploited. The result is more from transportation, producing oil spills, polluted sludge, and acoustic pollution. The atmospheric pollution is also caused by these petroleum derivatives.


Gas exploitation

The deposits will be treated with exhaustion in many of the exhaustible resources. To avoid pollution in the environment, reusable and renewable resources/ energies are the best solutions. Recently, solar and wind energy use is more encouraged, especially by business people and entrepreneurs in big companies. By integrating renewable energies, the country can continue its industrial activities while preserving the environment and safeguarding them.